Friday, August 20, 2010

This Blog Entry is for Noah

Noah, Andrew told me you wanted me to write more about my book. I'm sorry, but what I've posted so far is pretty much all I can say at the moment. My book will be an in-depth analysis of the contemporary relationship between the LDS Church and the gay community (especially as it has played out in Utah). My entire first chapter is pretty much completely written, and a good portion of my second chapter is written as well. I am about halfway done with my interviews for the project. I am getting the stories of about twenty gay, lesbian, and bi former Mormons. I ask them questions about their youth, families, and church and school experiences. I can tell you that I talk about a lot of issues of the present and past that are relevant to this overall story, including Prop 8 and the trial and various other incidents that have sparked some fire between gays and Mormons. I am finding it absolutely fascinating and I really really hope that when I am done writing it in a few months, I will be able to find a publisher. If anyone has any connections to book publishers, please let me know.

I can acknowledge that, like any writer, I have an obvious bias in my writing. It will be clear from my writing that I am more critical of the things Mormons and their church have done than I am of actions the gay community has taken. It will be clear that in my opinion, in order to reach a peaceful resolution to the events of the last several years, the impetus for change must be on the LDS Church, rather than on LGBT Mormons. But I do try to give the LDS Church a fair and objective display. I don't distort facts or intentionally paint the church in a negative light. I ask a lot of questions and allow the reader to come to their own conclusions.

I'm afraid that is as detailed as I can get without giving away some key secrets about my book that no one will know--not even Andrew--until it is published. Besides, you wouldn't want me to spoil it for you. I'm sure you will buy it and read it and treasure it forever...

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