Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Voters for, Donators to, and Supporters of Prop 8,

Here is why you lost: Other people's marriage is none of your goddamn business.

I don't expect a lot of pro-Prop 8ers to read this blog, but if you do, this concise blog entry will tell you exactly why your silly little proposition got overruled by a federal court yesterday.

I can't believe it.  I was reading the news this morning on my Android, and the media is quoting Judge Vaughn Walker when he says in his ruling,

"Proposition 8 does not affect the First Amendment rights of those opposed to marriage for same-sex couples.  Prior to Proposition 8, no religious group was required to recognize marriage for same-sex couples...[A]ffording same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the designation of marriage will not impinge upon the religious freedom of any religious organization, official, or any other person; no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs...A PRIVATE MORAL VIEW THAT SAME-SEX COUPLES ARE INFERIOR TO OPPOSITE-SEX COUPLES IS NOT A PROPER BASIS FOR LEGISLATION...California's obligation is to treat its citizens equally, not to mandate [its] own moral code."

Basically, Judge Walker says that even if you are opposed to same-sex marriage, that is "none of your business.  It doesn't have anything to do with you."  He says two things I have been saying for years: one, if you don't want a gay marriage, DON'T FREAKING GET ONE!!!  And leave the rest of us alone who DO want to have a same-sex marriage.  And two, no church will EVER be required to officiate any wedding they choose not to.  They're not going to force churches to perform same-sex marriages.  That is bald-faced, lying propaganda put forth by the anti-gay marriage people.

But then USA Today has the audacity to go on and ask its viewers,

"What do you think of Walker's view that gay marriage does no harm to the lives and rights of those who believe in traditional man-woman marriage?  How does gay marriage affect your religious or moral life?"

I can answer that question for all Americans right now: IT FREAKING DOESN'T!!!  If you feel like your religious or moral life is affected by gay marriage, then you are WAY too obsessed with other people's lives and you need to focus more on your own life and marriage (if you are in one).  Maybe you're gay yourself or you are just curious if you are that obsessed.

So Prop 8 people, that is why you lost.  Your defense in the federal trial failed to show any evidence that same-sex marriage would be harmful to California, to other marriages, to children, or to society in general.  You want to know why?  It wasn't because your legal team was substandard.  Just like the opponents, they had a sharp legal team.  The reason is that there ISN'T any harm to California, to other marriages, to children, or to society in general.  The opponents brought forth expert witness after expert witness who proved that irrefutably.

You can't put a matter of civil rights to a popular vote, deny a minority equal rights using the democratic process, and expect to win in the long run.  It isn't right, and even if you don't know it yet, your children and grandchildren certainly will.  Let us live our lives and we'll let you live yours.

You lost, we will be able to get married soon, get freaking over it already.


Sean Paul

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sean. Why don't you tell us how you really feel?
    Relax and breathe now. We're planning the wedding. What kind of champagne would you like? ;)
